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Messages - Blaze

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Thanks for the explanations!

The list of the modifiers definitely must remain.

If the system isn't complicated, than the flavour text really doesn't need any recommendations.

The higher heat rewarding sounds good. Just remind me, I forgot, what about coolants?

How do we know which turret's performance are we looking at? Is it the one highlighted on the power wheel or is that highlighting for something else?

On the graph you have "base perf." written twice. I don't think that's necessary. Having it on the graph should be enough, so you can use the list on the right of the graph for other data. Maybe even some flavour text (like on many cards in different trading card games), such as A standard UNION turret, code TX-124., or power and base performance levels recommended by the manufacturer (that could actually be the limit after which the heat starts to increase greatly).

Wow! Thanks! :D

Grey is right with noticing the dick. Once he said it, I couldn't unsee it.

Will the shirts be for sale? I'd love to have one of those. :D

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - A Renaming
« on: June 25, 2016, 01:08:12 PM »
I like the "Universe or Nothing" name.

It's very mysterious and reminds of the God Emperor of Dune or Ender's Game series.

I don't see the "nothing" as something negative, per se. I see it as a more of a challenge to all of humanity.

"Game of Chance" or "Game of Change"? Which is it? :D

In the previous version, there was on option to put two technicians on a node, but now it can only be one. Why is that?

I also think that having the technician next to the node's icon looks better, but I think it should be a little smaller. The main thing is still the node, not the technician.

I like the small changes, as well, such as a higher contrast bar for shields, hull integrity and energy signature, blue operations menu icon, highlighting of the menu,

Thanks for the update!

Development & Discussion / [Progress - 29th May] How are things?
« on: May 28, 2016, 11:28:24 PM »
Didn't hear anything from you for quite a while. Can you share what you're working on?

I just hope the project didn't die. :)

Development & Discussion / Re: Game Master
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:54:16 PM »
Awesome! Thanks for that!

I cannot wait for the game to come out. :D

Development & Discussion / Game Master
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:35:58 PM »
I've realized we haven't mentioned one more "position" that we use in the TSN RP sessions: the Game Master.

Have you thought about adding it to UNION? Playing in a pre-written mission is different than playing with a live GM who can respond to the situations created by the players.

The GM should have possibilities of spawning ships (enemy or friendly), executing scripts, etc.

I hope my last response didn't come across as disinterested, I was running out the door.

No, it did not. I just forgot to respond, because I was talking to my girlfriend about how awesome that will be. :D

On any crew, which isn't filled with players, AI crew members can be "recruited" to fill empty roles. The Captain can issue orders to the AI crew and they will do their best to fulfil them. The Captain can jump into any of these AI controlled roles to take over, and when he/she leaves the role the AI will take over again.

In "singleplayer" the player is the Captain, and all roles are (by default) filled with AI crew members. He/she can issue orders to them, or jump into positions as necessary.

At any time while playing singleplayer the player can open up the server to other players. He/she can remove AI crew members to make room for these players, or they can create their own crew/ship (if the host player has allowed multiple player ships).
Bloody hell, this is amazing! A role-playing community won't have to worry too much if there's not enough players to fully fill several ships, since we'll have AI.

Will the AI crew members be named? Will we be able to bind them to a ship via mod? For example, a mod with the ship "A Game of Chance" could have AI crew from the stories, and a mod with a ship "TSN Hydra" could have other AI crew. So, when you have players aboard one of those ships, but not enough to fill all roles, AI crew members predetermined with the mod would take the rest of the roles, and it would always be the same personnel, for example Kalt as the Science Officer. If this was possible, it would be so great for RP!

A good work life balance really is important. The place looks nice.

Can you tell us more about the singleplayer mode? Will it be a campaign with a story or just random missions? Will the player be forced to play the captain, or will the player be able to play an officer and follow the orders?
I think that creating a campaing and an AI that can order a person is a significant undertaking, and is not something that time should be devoted to. I do believe the market for UNION will be the players seeking multiplayer experience.

Development & Discussion / Re: [Progress - 17th April] Engine Work
« on: April 17, 2016, 11:40:53 PM »
Wow! That was quick! I expected moving to a different engine would take a lot longer!

Good to see you back up and running. :)

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