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Messages - Blaze

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I don't like it. The first one seems more like part of the rest of the design, while the second one seems like it's from a different type of design, something like a classical radar without technological advancements.

But I do like the extra space between Sort options.

That's a neat way to solve the team member loss problem, yeah.

And what I thought about promoting modding, would be something like a weekly news with one highlihted mod. Or whatever suits you, at the time. But having a wiki is a great idea. People will update it themselves. :)

Yes, I'm happy with the plans! They make a lot of sense. Especially them being teams of 5.

That reminds me of another question: can the teams loose members? How do we replenish them? Same questions for Engineer's Technicians, if they are also teams.

Modding is really going to be a tool that enriches UoN. You should support it officialy in some way. Perhaps by featuring the best mods on the homepage or in the game, or something like that.

Ah, now I see what the Operatives are for. Thanks for explaining it.

I now have an idea of what the left panel will be, what data and options it would show, but I'll wait until you create the draft, in order to ask questions about it.

Development & Discussion / Re: Role-playing Questions
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:37:55 PM »
Thanks for the answers!

Development & Discussion / Role-playing Questions
« on: August 06, 2016, 11:25:42 AM »
And now for some purely role-playing questions, I hope you don't mind those, hehe. (I'd add a smiley here, but the forum keeps putting them all at the end of the post, and it's starting to get a bit anoying, but it's not something you need to bother with.)

  • How did you envision the relationship between the Operatives and the Tactical Officer? Is the TO their commander? This is basically a question on how the UNION's stellar navy is structured.
  • Do we have a navy and an army?
  • Are the Operatives a part of the navy or the army?
  • How heavily armed are the Operatives or how heavily armed can they be?
  • If the navy is the one flying space ships, what's the army doing? Are they the infantry on conquests, like in Starship Troppers?
  • What about the relationship between the Operatives and the rest of the bridge crew?
  • Would some ships have additional marine platoons aboard that can be used to board other entities?
  • How much people are there aboard a spaceship? I know it would be different per each ship, but you can probably give a rough estimate. We should have at least 2 officers for each bridge officer. The main and the night shift, so to speak. There's also the medical personnel, the cook, and what-not.
  • Are we calling the ships spaceships or starships?
  • Just how big are the ships, anyway?
  • I'm gonna stop now... For now.


Well, now I can be of some use. My primary station in Artemis is the Tactical one, so I'll shoot all of my questions.

  • What can you tell us about Operatives?
  • What for and how will they be used? You said something about away teams, but where will they go? Planetside? Boarding enemy ships and stations? Does that mean the Tactical Officer is in charge of the marines?
  • Do the operatives operate ships' weapons, are there other people on the ship for that or are they fully automatic?

  • What will be listed here? I can see ships, a station and an escape pod. What other entities will be there?
  • I think we spoke a bit about this, but my memory is fuzzy. Will there be a tooltip for the contact type when hovering over the filter icon?
  • What are the sort options "SIG", "Title" and "Type"?
  • I guess A, B and C are the ones we've targetted. Does that designate our turret targeting them? How will we know what enemy we're targeting with the torpedoes? How do we change targets and choose which turret is attacking them? Can we point multiple turrets (on the same side of the ship) at one target?
  • Can we target on the Contacts panel?

Main circle
  • Can we target enemies on the main circle?
  • It would be helpful to have distances on the circles on our plain. Maybe not on each, but on the most inner and outer one definitely.
  • An indication of which enemies can be targeted by which turrets/torpedoes would be helpful.
  • Will we see incoming enemy torpedoes on the main circle? Will we be able to hit them with the turrets?
  • Will we be able to target a point in space that is not an entitiy, and fire a missile there? This would be useful for firing a missile in front of an enemy, as a warning shot, or in the middle of a group.

Left panel
It's empty now, but I expect to see turrets and operatives' commands there. Can you share what your plans for this space is?


Though I've no idea why it already has negative points...

Development & Discussion / Re: Tshirt
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:35:04 PM »
Mine arrived as well, but as I informed Mark, it's way to small for me, hehe. My gf likes it, though. And the poster first needs framing, than it's going on the wall.

If I'm not mistaken, that's the letter H written in the runes of the Dwarfs of Erebor. I have the elvish rune for the letter G, representing Gandalf and his wisdom.

I sent my friend the gif showing how to add power to nodes and the following is his feedback:

If I'm honest, I don't like it. I need to target a line with a mouse? C'mon, imagine you're in the ship, you're being fired upon, everything is shaking, and you're trying to hit a line with a mouse.

I've never thought about it like that... I know I had some ideas how to change that without having to drag it multiple times, but I don't think it was anything that would fix the issue he wrote about. Well, there is one idea, but that works only on initial set up, not on further modifications: when you first drag the power line, the number pops out and you can type it or scroll it to as high as you want/can.

Oooh, I like it!

I didn't even realize it would be such a huge difference.

He was already interested in space sims, but he claims he's not relevant for answering the question you've asked, since he's interested in the game based purely on all I've already told him about it. :)

A friend has just seen the Wheel, and the first feedback he gave is as follows (translated from Croatian):
Looks complicated, but also modern. I have a feeling that some elements may be too small, so it might be bothersome trying to click on them while panicking.

To me, the Power Wheel doesn't seem too "busy", but rather it feels like it's bursting with neatly organized information. But that might be due to the fact I've been with it's development since long ago. Therefore, I'll spend a few minutes with some of my colleagues who are interested in Artemis, and will show them the Power Wheel and answer their questions. I'll report their feedback back to you.

What's the top node of the power wheel? I don't remember seeing that icon. And the one on the right of it is a cannon of some sorts?

We haven't discussed shields, so can you tell us more about that? Who turns them on or off? Are they the shield nodes? Does the shield have a percentage of how strong it is? Do some ships have stronger shields than others? Do the shields have phases or frequencies?

And can you share more insight into the Ship Status section? What's the red line in the far right? How can we fix the damaged hull? Does the ship icon represent the hull damage or the overall ship damage on the part of the ship? Meaning, does it show the hull damage or the system damage (turrets, propulsion, etc.)? Can you remind me what the number 0, the 4 lines around it, and the crosshair are?

Can a ship loose a part of it? Does it still function after that? Or does it shut down or explode?

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 29, 2016, 06:40:15 PM »

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