Development & Discussion / Universe or Nothing - A Renaming
« on: June 13, 2016, 05:56:59 PM »
Hi all,
UNION started life as a series of ideas and prototypes, mostly based around the concept of a multiplayer bridge simulator, but it has since evolved beyond that.
While it still has much of that bridge sim heritage, UNION is developing into a more rounded game with a greater scope and a focus on narrative structures.
We like the name UNION, but it has some major drawbacks; it doesn't grab people's attention and it is very poor for search results ("union" is very generic and "union game" will get you American Football results). In order to get better search results we added "Spaceship Command" to the name, but "UNION Spaceship Command" does not excite any passion. It is a "what it says on the tin" kind of name.
So, we decided to find a new name for UNION, and we decided to focus on a name which would pique people's interest and hint at a deeper narrative.
That name is Universe or Nothing. As part of the name change we are also working on re-branding the game, and here is an early concept of that (on our new domain): http://universeornothing.com/
The name is also a statement of intent for the game, as it basically means the same as "all or nothing". UNION, the faction you will still be playing in the game, are an all or nothing group as well. They believe that the only future for humanity is by expanding as far across the universe as possible, and that they are the best chance for that to happen. It isn't the usual kind of game name, but we feel like it will stand out in game lists, like on Steam.
We would love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for reading!
UNION started life as a series of ideas and prototypes, mostly based around the concept of a multiplayer bridge simulator, but it has since evolved beyond that.
While it still has much of that bridge sim heritage, UNION is developing into a more rounded game with a greater scope and a focus on narrative structures.
We like the name UNION, but it has some major drawbacks; it doesn't grab people's attention and it is very poor for search results ("union" is very generic and "union game" will get you American Football results). In order to get better search results we added "Spaceship Command" to the name, but "UNION Spaceship Command" does not excite any passion. It is a "what it says on the tin" kind of name.
So, we decided to find a new name for UNION, and we decided to focus on a name which would pique people's interest and hint at a deeper narrative.
That name is Universe or Nothing. As part of the name change we are also working on re-branding the game, and here is an early concept of that (on our new domain): http://universeornothing.com/
The name is also a statement of intent for the game, as it basically means the same as "all or nothing". UNION, the faction you will still be playing in the game, are an all or nothing group as well. They believe that the only future for humanity is by expanding as far across the universe as possible, and that they are the best chance for that to happen. It isn't the usual kind of game name, but we feel like it will stand out in game lists, like on Steam.
We would love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for reading!