Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.

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Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« on: July 26, 2016, 01:58:35 PM »
Hi Mark and everyone.

New to the forum, having found this game and falling in love at first sight, had to come over to the forum and read every page.  :P

Firstly apologies if any of this has been said or asked before, if it has I could not see it.
A few bits of feedback from reading the forum.
Every image I have seen has been spectacular. The amount of polish you have already is outstanding, most of this feedback I have sent to mark on his Youtube channel.

The single player aspect looks very promising, this will have to be done well though, Pulsar is a great game in development but ruined for the single players by useless AI. I believe you can do it from what I have seen and this means not having to find a full crew for the lonely gamers out there (cough not me cough).  :)

In multiplayer I believe that pausing is essential and again needs to be done well, the voting between captains is a great idea, however in battle it could be abused, perhaps a voting system when not in (code red) battle. But still normal pause for single player, one of the greatest aspects of FTL is the pausing to work out your strategy.

I love the idea of the modular ship designs. This will allow the community to create some amazing designs. Something I didn't mention was how much I loved the rotating thrusters.

Integrating the modding scene in from the beginning is one of the best things you can do, IMO. The way you are going about it seems perfect too, having a base game and allowing modders to take from that. This will gain you a huge following.

The Press release looks amazing, really drew me in from the first. If you can create the artwork to go with it it will draw the world in.
Speaking of artwork the Kite Artwork looks sublime (running out of adjectives), so I don't see it being an issue.

A few questions.

What are your plans for the universe?
Will there be planets, different solar systems, different galaxies?
Will there be different factions?
Will there be a story? Whether going on in the background or the players taking part?
Will players be able to walk around the ships? If so will there be other things to consider such as player needs, food/drink? This could add a need for ship supplies and possible emergency planetary or station landing to find food or drink or meds etc.
You mentioned about away teams, will there be boarding parties onto other ships whether NPC or Other Crewed.?

Again sorry if any of this has been spoken of before.

Everything about this game has drawn me in from the get go, I cannot wait to get my hands on this. I saw you mentioned a possible crowd funder, If you do, you have one firm backer here!

I will do everything I can to help this game, I will be spreading the word everywhere I go. Please keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what comes next.

Laslon (Jon)



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2016, 02:16:33 PM »
Glad to see another fan join us!

You've asked some questions that I don't think were asked before, mostly due to me holding the reins of my horses so tightly. I want to ask so many things, but I know it's better to take things one step at a time. However, I'm sure Mark will give you an answer as good as he can.

Some of the things you noticed were touched upon here and there, but nothing specific, so you're not wasting anyone's time, IMO.




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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2016, 02:47:54 PM »
On second looks I hope I have not hounded you Mark, with lots of questions, just got all excited. :P
Thank you for the welcome Blaze.



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2016, 03:34:10 PM »
You are very welcome Laslon.

I like nothing more than to talk about UoN. This game has been my obsession for years now. It's a mostly healthy obsession though. :D

We know just how difficult AI is to develop, and really thought long and hard before commiting to a fully fleshed out singleplayer experience because of that. David, our second programmer, did his thesis on evolving AI for games, he will be taking point on the development of our AI.

Yeah pausing is absolutely key to singleplayer, and it is extremely useful in multiplayer. How pause can be used in multiplayer (anyone can pause, captains can pause, or captain vote required etc) will be a server setting. I really believe in giving players the flexibility to play the game the way they want to.

As a developer I love to build the game in a modular moddable way, it makes the code base much easier to manage and extend and I cannot wait to see what others create.

I have some more artwork from Isaac which we will release when we do the press release. I am working on getting his designs into the engine, so I can create more screenshots.

What are your plans for the universe?
We have created a hard sci fi universe, hard in that it is a future that is entirely possible (no fantastical elements). No aliens at this point, but perhaps in the future.

The universe was created long before the game, for a table top rpg I ran for friends. Pádraig has really helped to flesh it out, we have a lot of history and detail for it.

Will there be planets, different solar systems, different galaxies?
The campaign will be set in the Centauri solar system, with it's stars and planets.
Will there be different factions?
Yes, there will be two primary factions, UNION and the Centauri Alliance, plus a slew of others who can be allies, enemies or neutral. We want to create that feeling of being on a submarine during WW2, where contacts on your sensors could be anyone (not just an ally or enemy).

Will there be a story? Whether going on in the background or the players taking part?
The campaign is a theatre of war, where things are happening whether your ship is there or not. We will have a lot of procedural story telling going on.

Will players be able to walk around the ships?
No, players will interface with the ship through the ship's interfaces. Including the ability to walk around the ship would dramatically increase the scope of the game, and force us to simplify many elements of our design.

If so will there be other things to consider such as player needs, food/drink? This could add a need for ship supplies and possible emergency planetary or station landing to find food or drink or meds etc.
This could still be part of the game, having the crew consume resources like food. I am not sure we will add it, but it is something that could be modded in.

You mentioned about away teams, will there be boarding parties onto other ships whether NPC or Other Crewed.?
The Tactical Officer will have a number of away teams. These are sent on missions to achieve different goals, like gathering intelligence on a particular faction, or as part of a mission like finding out what happened to the crew of an abandoned ship. During these missions the Tactical Officer is presented with choices on how to proceed, it is part of the procedural storytelling in Universe or Nothing. We have discussed being able to use these teams as boarding parties, but we have not decided on it yet.

I really appreciate all of the nice things you've been saying about UoN, we will do our best to live up to, and hopefully exceed, your expectations.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 03:39:39 PM by Mark »



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2016, 03:41:16 PM »
Great answers!

I'm looking forward to the game so much that I'm afraid of being disappointed once it launches. XD



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2016, 03:47:42 PM »
We really are aiming high in terms of the quality and experience of Universe or Nothing. What I can promise is that I will do my utmost best to make it as great as I possibly can. All or nothing.



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2016, 09:33:00 PM »
Thank you for answering my barrage of questions here is a barrage of responses. :)

Doing his thesis to aid the game development is dedication, shows more proof of the potential of this game due to the team.

I love the sound of the pausing mechanic, it sounds perfect. Every player is different you will never be able to cater to everybody and by giving each session the choice you have given the different play styles the game they want.

Seeing what some games modding communities have made in the past the is completely the right choice, some games modding community have made games survive decades. Not being threatened by what other can modify with your creation is the main block for some developers but knowing a different point of view will always spring knew ideas, this is how your game came about is it not? With the playing of Bridge Simulator? This is how we develop as a species. Tangent aside, very smart choice with the way you are developing this.

I cannot wait to see more artwork, I have the last my desktop already. The design of ships are stunning looking highly probable to what they could look like in the future, in my head at least.

We have created a hard sci fi universe, hard in that it is a future that is entirely possible (no fantastical elements). No aliens at this point, but perhaps in the future.

The universe was created long before the game, for a table top rpg I ran for friends. Pádraig has really helped to flesh it out, we have a lot of history and detail for it.
Apart from the page on the other thread will you be releasing all the lore?

The campaign will be set in the Centauri solar system, with its stars and planets.
Will there be planetary landings? If so will they be like Freelancer, where it would be through a gate type mechanic and a video (loading screen). Or will there be atmospheric entry, I think I know the answer to this already just by what I have seen already about your ambitions for this game, that is if you have planetary landings.
Yes, there will be two primary factions, UNION and the Centauri Alliance, plus a slew of others who can be allies, enemies or neutral. We want to create that feeling of being on a submarine during WW2, where contacts on your sensors could be anyone (not just an ally or enemy).
I can feel the suspense already, arriving at a new location to see an anomaly on the scanners, is it a friendly? Is it an enemy or is it The Heart of Gold just about to jump away with Infinite Improbability Drive?
I can remember playing Silent hunter on my Uncles PC when I was younger I loved even though I only had a vague Idea of what I was doing, I was quite young and tutorials were not really a thing.

No, players will interface with the ship through the ship's interfaces. Including the ability to walk around the ship would dramatically increase the scope of the game, and force us to simplify many elements of our design.
I am not saying that I am not disappointed that we will not be able to walk around insides of the what I can only imagine would be the most stunning, detailed and immersive ships I would have the pleasure of seeing. I can completely agree with your point of view, and this way the mechanics and the game as a whole can be so much more detailed and that makes me happy. :)

The Tactical Officer will have a number of away teams. These are sent on missions to achieve different goals, like gathering intelligence on a particular faction, or as part of a mission like finding out what happened to the crew of an abandoned ship. During these missions the Tactical Officer is presented with choices on how to proceed, it is part of the procedural storytelling in Universe or Nothing. We have discussed being able to use these teams as boarding parties, but we have not decided on it yet.
I did not expect this is what you meant but now that you have said it WOW, so much can be done with that. Again perfect, more a more I want this game.

Your promises to do your best is so encouraging, you have so much passion for this that every time I have called this project a game I feel like I am diminishing what you are working on.

I really appreciate all of the nice things you've been saying about UoN, we will do our best to live up to, and hopefully exceed, your expectations.
You are more than welcome the more I can do to help this game the better. Anything I can do to help please let me know.



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2016, 12:54:08 AM »
We'll be releasing a lot of lore prior to release, it's just not a priority right now.

There won't be any planetary landings of the ship itself, away teams can however land on planets as part of their activities. Away teams will travel by shuttle.

We really do want to create the suspense of not knowing exactly what's out there. Also, firing on allied or neutral factions will affect your faction's relationship with them. Firing on a vessel belonging to an allied or neutral faction can cause a "diplomatic incident" which is played out as part of the procedural storytelling system.

The ship's short range sensors display real-time information, but long range sensors only show the last information you had available, either from your own scanning (which is pulse based, not real-time), from intel gathered, or from reports from your faction (which are always a little old when you receive them anyway). Allied ships do not broadcast their identity, as this would give away their position to the enemy, so friend-or-foe identification is very important (this is done by the Science Officer).

Not only would ship interiors increase the development requirement, it would also drastically increase our art asset requirement. High quality art, like our ships, are very expensive to produce. It is however something we would love to do in the future, if UoN is very successful.

Right now the best thing you can do for UoN is to engage with the community here. I work best when bouncing ideas back and forth with others, and I really want to see a great community grow here. And of course if you know anyone else who might be interested, let them know about us.

Thanks again. :)

« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 12:59:54 AM by Mark »



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Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2016, 05:12:51 PM »
The more you say the more excited I get for this. I will spread the word as much as I can. Feel free to bounce any ideas off me you like. Whatever content you put in I know will be for the good of the game. I will be keeping a close eye on the progress. I really cannot wait. :)



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