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Messages - Blaze

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Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 29, 2016, 06:04:46 PM »
Yeah, that sounds much better, but the second sentence sounds too crude to me, as opposed to the first one.

How about this?

In order to help shape the future of Universe or Nothing, we want you to join us on our forums ( or Facebook page ( There, you'll find development updates and will be able to discuss any part of the game.

Development & Discussion / Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« on: July 26, 2016, 03:41:16 PM »
Great answers!

I'm looking forward to the game so much that I'm afraid of being disappointed once it launches. XD

Development & Discussion / Re: Feed Back and Questions from newcomer.
« on: July 26, 2016, 02:16:33 PM »
Glad to see another fan join us!

You've asked some questions that I don't think were asked before, mostly due to me holding the reins of my horses so tightly. I want to ask so many things, but I know it's better to take things one step at a time. However, I'm sure Mark will give you an answer as good as he can.

Some of the things you noticed were touched upon here and there, but nothing specific, so you're not wasting anyone's time, IMO.


Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 26, 2016, 08:14:32 AM »
I'm not sure what you mean, the start is about the Captain:
"Have you ever wanted to be a spaceship Captain, facing real challenges and making meaningful choices".

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:43:34 PM »
Yup! You got it!

I think that's it.

But sleep on it, and see what you think tomorrow. And what the others think.

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:36:40 PM »
Oh, I love it.

Just keep wondering about the last sentence. That "If this is you" keeps bugging me.

Here's just a few variations on the theme. But if you prefer the short version, go for it. The paragraph is epic as it is.

"If any of these is you, Universe or Nothing is your game."
"If you recognize yourself among these, Universe or Nothing is your game."
"If you see yourself in such a role, Universe or Nothing is your game."
"If you wish to partake, Universe or Nothing is your game."
"If you wish to save mankind, Universe or Nothing is your game."
"If you wish to save humanity, Universe or Nothing is your game."
"If these pique your interest, Universe or Nothing is your game."

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:29:19 PM »
How about "the Tactical Officer, bringing destruction to your foes and managing away teams", instead of using "enemy" twice in quick succession?

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 09:39:26 PM »
The researchs sound like a great idea.

"the Helmsman, evading enemy fire while keeping them in your sights" might be better as "the Helmsman, evading missiles while keeping the enemy in your sights" or something along those lines. The "them" part is the one I think can be better. I'm trying to think of the reason why someone is attracted to piloting, and (to me) it always comes to flying, so maybe you could do something along the lines of "the Helmsman, flying through space and maneuvering through combat". Though, if mentioning space, you might want to move it later, since space is mentioned for the Captain, already.

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 09:01:32 PM »
The tweaks are good, but you're missing a part of the last sentence. "If this you" makes no sense. :P

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 08:35:18 PM »
YES! That's it! That short little text got me all fired up! :D

Development & Discussion / Re: Universe or Nothing - Marketing Copy
« on: July 25, 2016, 04:20:42 PM »
Honestly, the text is good, but nothing special. It tells about an interesting game, but it doesn't really show it's beauty or it's possibilites, and those are the reason why one would love the game, instead of just liking it. If this was the first time I heard about UoN, the text would probably just make me put it on my wishlist, but not follow it or go and check out the forums.

I think you should write more about the Why of the game, rather than How and What. I'm referencing  this TEDx talk. I think the text should tell us more of why one would play the game, not what one would do in it.

P.S.: I didn't even know about the Facebook page...


Enjoy the holidays. :)

I love the idea of ranks. I wanted to post that initially, but I thought it might be too complex. The bars I mentioned would represent ranks, anyway. But I do like the ranks. Is it too much info, I don't think so, but you'll find that out in the play-testing. Maybe add a tooltip when hovering the mouse over the rank icon; the tooltip would show the rank name and (perhaps) a numerical representation of the Technician's level.

A perk for each rank sounds right.

A level 5 could be a star or some other symbol, rather than 5 bars.

As for all of this being too much for engineering, I don't think it will, but it does depend on the speed of the game, among other things. I'm actually loving it that there's so much stuff to do.

Technicians are great for anyone who wants to RP with others (like we have TSN Artemis). Therefore, I have a bunch of questions related to that.
  • Is Level 5 the maximal level of the Technicians? Will we be able to change that with mods?
  • Does the level reset with every game or is there a way to save it, for mod campaign purposes?
  • How fast do they gain levels? Will we have an option to modify Technician levels' via modding?
  • Will we be able to name Technicians via modding?
  • Are the three perks always the same or is there a pool from which the perks are chosen? A pool with multiple perks can add an additional dose of strategy. You can also decide if the player will be able to choose perks or they would be randomly chosen.
  • Will we be able to add new perks for Technicians via modding?

Instead of using stars as levels, I think it'd be better to use another type of icon (or multiple different icons). Something like bars (as in Ensign and Lieutenant insgnia bars) would fit the desing better, I think. It can be more compact, yet still cleary visible and won't draw too much attention on itself.

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