Funding Plans

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Funding Plans
« on: August 22, 2016, 09:40:03 PM »
Hey all,

I've put off this post for quite a while now, as funding is such an awkward topic. I felt like I needed to show enough of what the game would be before talking about it, so that people wouldn't claim that I was either in it for the money, or incapable to delivering on my promises. I think I have passed that point.

The fact is without funding Universe or Nothing cannot be completed. I am doing my best over the past few years to get it as far as I can without funding, but ultimately this game is beyond the scope of one person working part-time. I have always worked on the game with the belief that we would secure funding, otherwise I wouldn't have put in all of the time that I have.

The good news is that all my work up to now means a lot of the heavy lifting is done (in terms of game design, art, and programming), which reduces the overall cost of completing the game.

The not-so-good news is that in order to complete the game we need a minimum of €150,000 (EUR). That would get us to a complete base game, with all of the features we have discussed excluding the dynamic campaign (the game would have scripted scenarios, which could be chained together). The dynamic campaign would be the primary stretch goal.

My plan is to do a Kickstarter campaign in a few months, I don't feel we're quite ready yet. I think it is important to show the Tactical Ops and Engineering roles in action, with some cinematic in-game combat footage, for the Kickstarter video. As well as that Kickstarter campaigns which are run without an already existing community are rarely successful, so I have to keep working on marketing the game to get more people interested (which only slows down my other work).

I won't lie, it's going to be tough to get to €150,000 on Kickstarter. I am going to continue to do my best to get there though.

Assuming that the game gets funded, whatever the amount, I will continue to expand the game in terms of extra features and content post-launch. That includes the dynamic campaign, if we don't reach that stretch goal in the Kickstarter campaign.

If you would like to help, the thing I need more than anything right now is for more people to know about Universe or Nothing. If you can help to spread the word online, across online communities (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter etc.), I would be forever grateful.

Thanks for reading!




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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 10:23:16 PM »
Hey all,

I've put off this post for quite a while now, as funding is such an awkward topic. I felt like I needed to show enough of what the game would be before talking about it, so that people wouldn't claim that I was either in it for the money, or incapable to delivering on my promises. I think I have passed that point.

The fact is without funding Universe or Nothing cannot be completed. I am doing my best over the past few years to get it as far as I can without funding, but ultimately this game is beyond the scope of one person working part-time. I have always worked on the game with the belief that we would secure funding, otherwise I wouldn't have put in all of the time that I have.

The good news is that all my work up to now means a lot of the heavy lifting is done (in terms of game design, art, and programming), which reduces the overall cost of completing the game.

The not-so-good news is that in order to complete the game we need a minimum of €150,000 (EUR). That would get us to a complete base game, with all of the features we have discussed excluding the dynamic campaign (the game would have scripted scenarios, which could be chained together). The dynamic campaign would be the primary stretch goal.

My plan is to do a Kickstarter campaign in a few months, I don't feel we're quite ready yet. I think it is important to show the Tactical Ops and Engineering roles in action, with some cinematic in-game combat footage, for the Kickstarter video. As well as that Kickstarter campaigns which are run without an already existing community are rarely successful, so I have to keep working on marketing the game to get more people interested (which only slows down my other work).

I won't lie, it's going to be tough to get to €150,000 on Kickstarter. I am going to continue to do my best to get there though.

Assuming that the game gets funded, whatever the amount, I will continue to expand the game in terms of extra features and content post-launch. That includes the dynamic campaign, if we don't reach that stretch goal in the Kickstarter campaign.

If you would like to help, the thing I need more than anything right now is for more people to know about Universe or Nothing. If you can help to spread the word online, across online communities (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter etc.), I would be forever grateful.

Thanks for reading!


I think we can all agree we believe you can deliver. The passion you have for the game shows you are not in it for the money.

I'm spending the word as much as I can. I agree with you about needing the footage for the kickstarter, once you have set it up you can count me in for a monthly subscription.  :)



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 10:28:49 PM »
Thanks so much Laslon, that means a lot to me.



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2016, 11:49:34 AM »
Thanks so much Laslon, that means a lot to me.

No thanks necessary, I'm being selfish I want to play this game lol  :)



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2016, 01:07:26 PM »
Hey Mark,

Off course i'll do my part to make this game happen. I will not have 150,000 on me right now, but I will make a dontation.

I know that this project is worth every cent, but we need to reach more people so they can see it too. Mabye on community sites like Star trek etc.?
Let go get that stretch goal.



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2016, 12:37:49 PM »
Are you on twitch?

If not, get on twitch.TV and create a regular schedule, ground swell the audience, and don't be afraid to show the nuts and bolts on the creative portion of twitch, people love that stuff.

Your alpha or beta testers should also get a regular game set up and run it over twitch if possible. More viewers will tell more people and they will watch and the game will grow and your chances of being funded will increase.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 01:52:08 PM by Gr8alphaogre »



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2016, 07:37:35 PM »
Are you on twitch?

If not, get on twitch.TV and create a regular schedule, ground swell the audience, and don't be afraid to show the nuts and bolts on the creative portion of twitch, people love that stuff.

I would love to do this, but I just don't have the time to run a regular Twitch schedule. I'm working at least a 40 hour week on work, and the rest of my time is split between family and my current UoN activity (development, design, and reading/posting here and the other UoN pages).

There isn't enough gameplay to show it on a stream at the moment, it wouldn't be a satisfying experience for the viewer and it wouldn't give a proper view of the game. There are working systems, but not a full game.

I really appreciate the suggestion though!



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2016, 08:54:33 PM »
I will be there in a second to back it on kickstart when it's time!
Just today a friend from work had noticed my likes on your facebook-page and he expressed his interest.
I hope that I can manage to get a few people interested in the kickstarter, lets spread the word!



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2016, 10:29:04 PM »
Thanks man. :)



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2016, 03:20:24 PM »
I kow you have little free time but people actually watch other people develop games. It might be something you do once a week and it could essentially be a live forum experience.

I also work 40 hours a week. I also go to college, and am raising a kid. I understand the demands on your time. I am not developing a game but am slowly working on a physical bridge set up that I hope to be able to play this game on. Consoles, seating, buttons and lights dmx etc... any way what I am saying is that you should consider 1 to 4 hours a week to show off progress, talk concepts and discuss general topics like in the forum.

If you want to get an idea of what you could do you can check out the following

I would be interested in watching the process and if nothing else helping to market your channel and your game. Just let me know.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 11:39:41 AM by Gr8alphaogre »



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2016, 12:32:39 AM »
I saw this game back in 2012, and was excited for it then, but after years of no news i thought it was dead. Seeing that its back (or i might have just re-discovered it) brings me great joy.

When you get your kickstarter going, I will happily throw money at it.



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2016, 08:40:47 AM »
I really appreciate that, thank you. :)



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2016, 05:03:46 PM »
I think it is important to show the Tactical Ops and Engineering roles in action, with some cinematic in-game combat footage, for the Kickstarter video.

While the battle is happening, have someone read parts from the Technicians - Short fiction & Feature Post, or a similar story.

the other UoN pages

What other UoN pages? Which reminds me, should we start a Steam group?

Anyway, Mark.

Of course we shall all be a part of the Kickstarter campaign. Unless one of is loaded enough to say something along the lines of "Oh, just €150,000? Give me your account number, I'll send it right over". That would be both hillarious and amazing, at the same time. Bill Gates, I'm looking at you.

I've shared the UoN Facebook page, and I hope to see at least a small influx of likes on there. The Twitch idea is a good one, but be careful because it can backfire. It's not just about showing what you're doing, it's about you being an interesting speaker and entertainer as well, I believe.

If there's anything you'd like us to do, don't hesitate to ask. Or send a PM, if you're shy. We are here. :)



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Re: Funding Plans
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2016, 12:53:57 PM »
Hey guys,

I love and appreciate all of the offers of support you guys are giving.

Please don't take my lack of response as a lack of interest or appreciation, our UEFA Champion's League product is going out this week so I am particularly busy.

I will catch up with everything over the weekend, and we can start to formulate a plan then. :)
