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Messages - Mark

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Hey all,

I've been working on the systems in the game for the past few months. There's still plenty to do there, but I decided to take a break from it to work on implementing the Engineering UI.

I feel like I've made enough progress on it to warrant showing a video. :)
View the video on YouTube

At the moment I am focusing on functionality. Though I am happy that it looks nice, there will be a lot of animation work (transitions, feedback) to add before release.

Technicians are not implemented in the UI yet, I am working on those next.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading!


Development & Discussion / Re: [Progress - 19th January] Flight Physics
« on: January 19, 2017, 11:53:49 PM »
I think you will need to aproximate the flight as close as possible, so with the lowest amount of drag, if any.
I am not sure what you mean by that, sorry.

Thinking about it now, I could have no drag on ships at all. The game can handle thousands of dynamic (moving) objects at a time, though probably closer to 100 within 1km of each player ship (as these need to be actively synced with the player(s)).

I would have a miniscule amount of drag on non-ship entities like asteroids and debris, such that it will probably take an object about 30 mins to go from max speed to stationary. That way if you are playing for hours you won't have a buildup of active physics entities taking up CPU cycles.

Do you interpret other ships not visible with naked eye (anything farther than a few km) as a simple short vector with it's orientation and speed?
Yes indeed, the "radars" will display this info, and the Helm HUD will display it as well.

Development & Discussion / [Progress - 19th January] Flight Physics
« on: January 19, 2017, 11:15:45 PM »
Hey all,

This is my first progress post in a while! Not because I haven't been working away on UoN, I have, but simply because I had so little free time to do so.

Thankfully early is the year, from January to March, is a quiet time at work and I intend to make the best of it for Universe or Nothing.

To kick that off, I've been doing some necessary work on the game engine. At the moment that means integrating a new physics engine. Why integrate a new engine? Well the one I was using before was not designed to load physics collision meshes dynamically, and I need dynamic collision meshes for the mod system.

The integration work is almost done, the mod system now uses OBJ model files for collision meshes. I chose OBJ files because they are quite simple and the vast majority of 3D modelling software can export them.

This work on physics has me thinking about the flight model again. Initially, for network performance reasons, I was going to have some amount of "drag" in the flight model. Drag slows all movement over time, and this prevents too many objects moving at once (which could cause lag). It also makes flying a bit easier, since the spaceship acts more like a plane than a

However, having been able to test the network code in UoN for over a year now I have realised that we can support quite a number of moving objects. I would still use a very small amount of drag, so that everything would slow down and stop eventually, but it wouldn't be noticeable while flying around. Plus, just because drag makes flying easy, doesn't mean it make flying interesting or fun. :)

So I am going to experiment with a non-drag based flight system, where you keep going in a direction until you apply force in the opposite direction. This means that you can thrust in a direction and then spin around (attacking enemies) without slowing down or changing direction.

A flight system like that can be really difficult to fly, so (like a number of other games) there will be an automated flight assist system to keep you going where you want to go. It will use the thrusters and engines to stop drift and match your desired speeds. It won't be perfect though, the thrusters and engines have limited power so if you're pushing the ship hard (like trying to make a tight turn at high speed) they may not be able to keep up and so you will still drift. This flight assist system can be enabled and disabled at will.

You can of course go to Engineering and give more power to engines, giving you more control in those high speed turns, but that will increase the potential of your engines becoming unstable.

Due to data limits in multiplayer there will have to be an artificial maximum speed limit for entities (ships, objects etc.) within the game, but it will be "plenty fast". :)

Of course this is still all experimental, and there will be plenty of gameplay testing to do before it is finalised.

Before that, I'd love to get some input on it from you guys.

Thanks for reading!


Development & Discussion / Re: Checking In
« on: January 12, 2017, 04:04:55 PM »
Hey Stewart!

For some reason I didn't receive a notification when you posted, and I was on holidays until this week so I haven't been checking in on the forum.

The game is not currently playable, though I am on the road towards making it so.

I was making a lot of progress in Unity, and the game was in a playable state (though with limited functionality), until I started to implement a modding system (in Unity). It may seem very early to be implementing modding, but in reality modding is extremely difficult to add after a game has been released.

The issue was that loading models and textures dynamically into Unity caused it to become unstable, with random crashes (maybe a 1 in 10 chance of it crashing during a play session). I had had plenty of issues with Unity prior to that, but had found ways around those. There was no "cure" for the instability, I do not have access to Unity's code in order to find the problem, and I cannot abide instability in Universe or Nothing.

That led to the switch to Xenko, a much more modern engine with fantastic features and full source code access. Porting the code from Unity to Xenko went well, but I had to write a lot of systems which Unity provided that Xenko doesn't. Still, while I am not as advanced as I hoped to be the game itself is in the best condition it has ever been. I am really excited about the advances I have planned for the next few months.



Development & Discussion / Re: Checking In
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:43:14 PM »
Thanks man!  :D

Development & Discussion / Checking In
« on: December 18, 2016, 06:49:04 PM »
Hi all,

I just wanted to check in and let people know I am still actively working on UoN. At the moment all of the work is in coding for many of the different systems in the game, and none of it is visual at this point. On top of that creating and managing posts takes time away from actual development. I feel it is best to keep my head down, and only post once I have something big (and visual) to show.

This is a great time of the year for UoN development, my day job quietens down during December and January leaving me more time and mental space to work on the game.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Chat soon,


Development & Discussion / Re: Tshirt
« on: October 30, 2016, 03:29:04 PM »
I love it.  :D

I have been meaning to arrange a proper chat with you but I haven't had much time in the past few weeks, especially since I am back working on UoN.

Things will start quietening down the closer we get to Christmas, I will use that time to start planning things in regards to marketing.

Development & Discussion / Re: [Progress - 15th October] Engine Updates
« on: October 29, 2016, 04:19:05 PM »
Just checking in to let you know I am still actively working away.  :)

It will probably be a few weeks before I have something significant to report.

Development & Discussion / Re: [Progress - 15th October] Engine Updates
« on: October 22, 2016, 10:21:52 PM »
Integration of the new Noesis GUI library is under way, I should be done with it early this week.

I'm looking forward to working on the UIs.

Both the Xenko (our engine) and Noesis (our GUI system) devs have been doing amazing work.

Here is a video showing the new "Practical Clustered Shading" renderer that Xenko has implemented. It is designed to allow many real-time light sources without the issues of deferred rendering (like transparency), and without the performance issues of forward rendering.

Thanks for reading!


Development & Discussion / Re: [Progress - 15th October] Engine Updates
« on: October 18, 2016, 07:04:10 PM »
My pleasure. :)

I have completed the Xenko upgrade from 1.6b to 1.9b, and I am waiting on some extra info from Noesis for their new render system.

I have been playing around with DirectX too, all good so far.

Development & Discussion / [Progress - 15th October] Engine Updates
« on: October 15, 2016, 03:04:13 PM »
Hi all,

This is a technical post, but I wanted to get back into the habit of writing progress posts.

In the time I have been occupied with work UoN's engine, Xenko, and GUI framework, Noesis, have received major updates. Both of these projects are absolutely brilliant, in terms of festures and code quality, and these updates make them even better.

The downside to this latest update is that both projects have made significant rendering changes (improvements). I need to reintegrate the Noesis renderer with the Xenko rendering system.

I have significant experience in programming gameplay, UI, networking, some physics, but practically none in graphics/rendering (I always used engines with their own renderers). I was able to integrate the previous version of Noesis but with their API changes I need to understand a lot more about what is going on to do it this time. For that reason I have begun to study DirectX, and I will be writing my own simple render to get a firm grip on it. That renderer won't be used in the game, Xenko's is simply brilliant, but it will give me the experience I need to do a really good Noesis Xenko integration.

I won't have any visuals to show for a while, but I will continue to post progress updates to keep people informed on development.

Thanks for reading,


Development & Discussion / "The Bends", a new illustration by Isaac
« on: October 10, 2016, 11:42:30 PM »
Hey all,

With all of the programming I have to do on the engine updates and UI implementation, it'll be a little while before there is any new gameplay to show.

The good news is that I have a new illustration from Isaac to share with you.

The concept came from the name Universe or Nothing, which is another way of saying "all or nothing". I wanted to focus on the "nothing", what happens with failure. Isaac took this idea and ran with it, creating this illustration of a UNION Kite class frigate wreck with it's back broken.

"The Bends", by Isaac Hannaford

Thanks for reading!


Development & Discussion / Re: The Plan
« on: October 10, 2016, 11:33:30 PM »
Thanks, I really appreciate your support! :D

And welcome to the community.

Development & Discussion / The Plan
« on: October 10, 2016, 10:38:21 AM »
Hey all,

So as I've mentioned in previous posts I've been very busy with my day job this past month-and-a-bit. I have had to work evenings and some weekends in order to deliver a new product to one of our major clients by the start of this month. That work went on a bit longer with some fixes and performance optimizations, but it is now coming to a close.

I have been developing this game part time for four years now, and in that time I have had to take breaks due to things happening in work and life, but I have always come back to it and this time is no different.

I've been giving a lot of thought as to what the next steps are for Universe or Nothing, and I believe the best thing is for me to focus on fully implementing the Engineering and Tactical UIs into the game. Once they are done I can use footage of them, along with the ship exterior shots, to market the game for our Kickstarter campaign.

I massively appreciate all of the support you guys have offered, and I will take you up on those offers once we're ready to go to Kickstarter. I think trying to expand our community base at this point would leave a lot of people bored waiting for new progress posts. So as we get closer to Kickstarter we will start a discussion on how we do some guerrilla marketing for UoN. :)

In terms of development my next task is to incorporate the latest updates from our game engine (Xenko) and UI system (Noesis GUI). Both of these have major updates which I'm excited about for programming reasons. :)

Thanks all!


Yeah, the rotation with snap-back was for the short-rang/radar views (not the solar system).

The map will have a "height" of at least 10 km. This allows for full 3D flight/combat, but it means that the long range views can be 2D top down. So if you are scanning the solar system for enemies, you do it on a 2D plane.

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